Turning in Israel
The American Association of Woodturners was an inspiration. The first
meeting of what is today's IWA (Israel Association of Woodturners) took
place 8 years ago in the Jasik's living room with a baker's dozen of wood
enthusiasts. In spite of several "doubting Thomas's" who didn't believe
that a wood craftsmen's association would survive, the Israeli group is
alive and functioning well under the leadership of Dr. Daniel Serota and
Uri Yaalon
Made up of professionals as well as both serious and amateur hobbyists,
the members come from all walks of life: dentists and doctors, pilots
and programmers, teachers and tradesmen, government employees, university
scholars….mostly men but some women. And they come from all over Israel,
a tiny country, altogether 21,000 sq. kilometers, about the size of New
Jersey or Wales.
Woodturners Ray Key of the UK, Mike Hosaluk of Canada, and Cristophe
Nancey of France have conducted workshops in Israel for IWA members. BI
ARTS (British Israel Arts Training Program) helped support the UK cooperative
Meetings are rotated among members' workshops and also at special locations,e.g.:Biblelands'
Museum, Museum of Italian Jewish Art; and Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Israel Association of Woodturners - POB 34320
91342 Jerusalem
Officers:Avner Hivroni
Shoshana Kligman Shoshk1@netvision.net.il
Pablo Nemzoff Nemzoffp@yahoo.com
Woodturning Workshops with Eli Abuhatzira, Jerusalem, Israel:
March 22-23, 2001 Yavne (near Tel Aviv)
April 4-5, 2001 Kfar Yehoshua (near Haifa)
May 3-4, 2001 Jerusalem
Woodturning Workshop (tentative) with John Jordan, Tennessee, USA:
May 10-11, 2001 Jerusalem
IWA members welcome turner visitors from abroad to their workshops. If
you would like to visit Israeli turners, here are some contacts.
Jerusalem area:
Charles Jasik charles@jasik.net (retired engineer)
Eli Abuhatzira eliabu@netvision.net.il (professional woodworker,
turner and instructor}
Uri Yaalon yaalon@snetvision.net.il (photographer)
Tel Aviv and central area:
Dr. Daniel Serota ddssyy@zahav.net (chiropractor)
President, Israel Woodturning Assoc.
Beersheva and southern area:
Amy Gilron amy@etz-ron.com (professional woodworker,
trained in Norway)
Haifa and northern area:
Dr. Pablo Nemzoff FAX: 972.4.8375843 (dentist)
Eli Abuhatzira eliabu@netvision.net.il
Eli Abuhatzira eliabu@netvision.net.il