Charles Jasik
of Jerusalem, Israel is compulsive about his woodturning. This is not
uncharacteristic of late-in-life discoveries. The coming together of a
birthday gift subscription to Woodturning Magazine, attendance at the
1993 AAW Symposium in Purchase, NY and meeting Albert LeCoff of the Woodturning
Center in Philadelphia and then Eli Abuhatzira, woodworker, teacher and
artist, in Jerusalem proved to be irresistible forces.

"I never intended to become a collector. It was something of an accident.
In Costa Rica, I visited Barry Beisanz' studio. One look and I was hooked.
This woodturner was both craftsman and artist. It was the beginning of
my modest collection, which now includes, among others, the works of Rude
Osolnik, Bonnie Klein, Betty Scarpino, Ed Ryan, USA,; Cristophe Nancey,
Jean-Francois Escoulen, and Alain Mailland, France; Ray Key, UK Phil Irons,
Wally Munro, Australia; Eli Abuhatzira, Israel; Paul Clare, Hayley Smith,
and Jules Tattersall, Wales; Kelly Dunn, Hawaii; Michael Hosaluk, Canada."

Charlie is a retired electronics engineer, US Navy veteran, CCNY graduate,
with a lifetime interest in tools and wood carving (studied with Chaim
Gross at New York's Museum of Modern Art). He is content in his well-equipped,
compact Workshop, located on the tallest hill in Jerusalem facing out
to the biblical mountains of Moab
Master turners who made a difference were: Israel: Eli Abuhatzira,
Jerusalem USA: Rude Osolnik, Kentucky; John Jordan, Tennessee;
David Ellsworth and Mark Sfirri, Penn. Canada: Michael Hosaluk,
Saskatoon UK: Ray Key France: Jean-Francois Escoulen, Cristophe
Jasik, Eli Abuhatzira, Rude Osolnik
Seminars, Workshops, Studio visits
France: 1995, Lons le Saunier & St. Claude, Jura; 2000 Puy St
Martin, Drome Provencale AFTAB French Woodturners Association, St. Girons,
1998 USA: AAW (American Association of Woodturners) Purchase,
NY1993; Ft Collins, Colorado 1994; Sacramento, Cal. 1995 Arrowmont School,
Gatlinburg, Tenn. 1995, 1996 UK: AWGB (Assoc. of Woodturners of
Great Britain) Univ. of Warwick, 1999 Exhibitions at NEC in Birmingham,
1997 and Leicestershire 1994 (?)al. 1995) Wales: Paul Clare, Hayley Smith,
Jules Tattersall IRELAND: 2000 IWG (Irish Woodturners Guild) Univ.
of Ulster, Liam O'Neill, Emmett Kane