LFNY 1983 Reunion, October 3-5, 2003

Additional great pictures (and a movie) via Stephane Desnault

More pictures contributed by Alex Koutsandreou, Pascale Grosjean, and others

I'm so happy, the 20th year reunion in paris of the LFNY '83 the weekend of October 3-5 was *wonderful*...

it was, quite simply, a joy and a privilege to be able to organize it,

alors merci a tous!

the kids were all adorable, and contributed much to the ambiance. i'm sure i'm not the only one who looked at them and thought back to our own playing together at their age... bravo to all you parents!

A few statistics, pour les curieux:

in total, 67 people attended the reuion! amazing!

there were 24 anciens, 14 partners/spouses, 27 adorable kids, and 2 future adorable kids.

people came from *seven* countries!!

the heroic travelers came from: germany (dominique and dook), US (druce and christine mistopoulos & husband john), belgium (anne de V & family), spain (alejandro & family), UK (brian ratner & wife jennifer), netherlands (kim & husband kees), and france, including lille (francis & family) amiens (pascale barillon), strasbourg (pat & family) and nimes (alex koutsandreou & family).

The anciens were - Alejandro Perez, Alex Koustandreou, Anne de Vleeschauer, Anne-Sophie Maisonrouge, Brian Ratner, Bruno Husson, Celine Garelli, Christine Mistopoulos, Clement Houssin, Dominique Olbert, J-C Doo-Kingue, Druce Vertes, Francis Le Pechoux, Frederique Blondel, Henri-Frederic Hibon, Kim Brice, Matthieu Rouge, Pascale Barrillon, Pascale Garrow, Pat Miller, Paul Joubert, Phillipe Rappacioli, Sabrina Birner, Stephane Desnault


quel plaisir de pouvoir de retrouver apres tant d'annees, de voir qu'on renoue tout de suite les anciennes amitie's...

enfin, others have already said that in their enthusiastic post-reunion emails, so I won't repeat it...

le weekend restera pour moi un tres tres beau souvenir, rempli de moments forts, de joies petites et grandes...

a big hug to everyone, and thanks again!

in particular, i couldn't have done it without help from:

Sabrina Birner